Chapter 257 XANDER For the past few days, I had watched them stumble around in their futile attempts to trackdown. Every morning, they would set out at dawn, and every night they would return empty-handed, their efforts wasted. It was amusing to me.
They had no idea where to look, no real understanding of how to hunt someone like me. It was almost laughable. I had thought they were dangerous, but I quickly realized how wrong I was. There was nothing good about them, nothing that made them worthy of fear.
Perhaps they just hadn't met their match yet. Until now.
Now, they had encountered me, and they knew they were nothing compared to what I was capable of. They were amateurs, playing a gthey couldn't win. But Olivia... she was another story. She surprised me. I had expected more resistance from her, sfight, sfire. But instead, she complied.
She ate the food I gave her, barely muttering a word of protest. The silence was almost worse than anything. I could tell that the trauma from what I had done to her was starting to sink in. The damage was done, and it pleasedin ways I couldn't fully explain.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtThe toenail incident... it had worked its magic. Watching that process unfold, seeing her struggle, paralyzed and unable to move, was a kind of torment I knew she would never forget. That was the point. It wasn't enough to hurt her physically; I wanted her mind to break.
To make her feel like there was no escape, to be trapped in her own body, forced her.
gan to endure the horror I inflicted on It was working. She was broken. Each tI entered the room, I saw that look, the scared, distant look in her eyes. It was almost... comical. She was terrified of me, and that terrified look was exactly what I wanted.
"I will leave you alone again," I told her, grinning as I spoke. "Don't try anything.
I laughed aloud, mocking her helplessness. Of course, she couldn't do anything. I had injected her again, ensuring she stayed docile and unable to resist. It was only a matter of tbefore I was ready to finish what I started, before I could see the life drain out of her and place her head on my father's grave as a twisted token of my affection.
"I'm sorry," I added, feigning innocence. "I forgot you can't move your legs. My bad." I whistled as I turned and left the room, leaving her behind in her prison of stillness. As I made my way out, a sick smile played across my lips. I had plans to visit my father's grave. Tomorrow, I would bring him the gift I had promised. And then I would send Olivia's body to Luke.
He wouldn't even notice the missing head. It would be just another body for him to bury, another casualty in his twisted game. But things didn't go according to plan.
When Larrived at the graveyard, I wasn't prepared for what I saw.
There were people there, Luke's people. A dozen or more of them, gathered around the site, digging up my father's grave.
I froze, my breath catching in my throat. I quickly ducked behind another headstone, hiding myself from view. I watched, my pulse racing, trying to make sense of what was happening. What were they doing? Why were they digging up my father's remains? My mind spun, trying to cup with an explanation, but none of them made sense. I could barely contain my anger. How dare they? This was the final insult. It wasn't enough that they had taken my father's life, they were desecrating his resting place as well.
+25 BONUS Chapter 257 One of Luke's men shifted, and the movement gavea clear view of the grave. My blood ran cold. "No!" The word cout as a whisper, weak and helpless, a far cry from the rage I felt inside. I gripped the headstone in front offor support, my knees trembling beneath me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My father's casket was being pulled from the grave, falling apart, his bones scattered. The remains of my father, once dignified and at peace, were being torn from the earth like they meant nothing.
I couldn't take it any longer. I didn't know when I stepped from behind the gravestone, but suddenly I was there, standing in the open. My voice cracked with fury.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"What the hell are you doing with my father's remains?" I bellowed, the words thick with heartbreak and anger. Wasn't killing him enough? Now you won't even let him rest in peace?" The sound of my voice drew Luke's attention. He turned slowly, his face unreadable. He seemed almost... amused by my outburst. As if he expected this reaction, as if this was all part of ssick gto him.
་་། "There you are," he said calmly, walking towardwith that scold, detached smile. "I was wondering when you would show up." I gritted my teeth, my body tensing with the need to strike, to hurt him in ways he would never forget. But Luke was always two steps ahead. I could see it in his eyes, in the way he walked towardlike he wasn't threatened at all.
"Givemy daughter," Luke continued, his voice smooth, as if he was negotiating a deal. "And will give you your father's remains. Or you can keep her, and I will take them, throw them somewhere you will never find them. The choice is yours."
The coldness in his words hitlike a punch to the gut. I wanted to scream, to fight him with every ounce deep of my being. But I knew deep down, I had no choice. Olivia was my leverage. She was my only hope of getting my father back, even if it was just his bones. I hated that I had to make this choice, hated that Luke had putin this position. But I had no other option. I felt my heart break in a way I never thought possible. The world was spinning out of control, and I wasn't sure how much more I could take.
I stood there, torn between the man I had becand the man I once was.
The man I used to be would have! bey fought for myfather's remains, no matter the cost. But now, it was a matter of survival. It was Olivia's life, or my father's remains. And I had to choose. But no matter what I chose, I knew one thing for certain: everything was about to get worse. And I didn't know if I was ready for it.
+25 BONUS Chapter 258 Chapter 258 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofifl0&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1