Chapter 82 Chapter 82: "Exactly! Khloe's mother's properties should be given to her daughter. No matter how remarkable the illegitimate daughter is, what does it matter? I'd rather burn or destroy them than let an outsider claim them.” "Education may make you appear impressive, but without solid character, it means nothing." "And yet, Sloane acts like snoble, talented woman. Pathetic! Trash!" The crowd's harsh words made Lorraine's and Sloane's faces twist in fury.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtSloane quickly composed herself, realizing the gravity of the situation. She couldn't let this escalate. Everyone present was from the entertainment industry. If she was branded as a mean, illegitimate daughter, her carefully crafted image of being kind, pure, and wealthy would be destroyed. It would ruin her career as a celebrity.
Taking a decisive step forward, Sloane put on a mask of resolve. "You know that's not what I intended. Please don't misinterpret me. Fine, if making this promise will settle your mind, I'll do it. I just hope you'll stop pushing this further." Her performance was flawless, the emotion in her voice heavy with guilt.
Khloe raised an eyebrow, observing her with a calm demeanor.
Sloane bit her lip, her expression growing more vulnerable. "I promise to relinquish my claim to the shares of Genesis Company. If I fail to keep this promise, may my career be destroyed and my dignity lost." Khloe cut in once more, her lips curling into a faint smile. "If you go back on your word, may your career crumble, your honor be stripped away, your ndestroyed, and you live in shame, even in death." Sloane's complexion drained of color. She had initially assumed that Khloe was just trying to corner her into making a simple vow in front of everyone. She had hoped to brush it off with svague words, but Khloe had already laid out the exact terms of the oath, leaving her no room to maneuver. And it was such a harsh, binding vow. Though Sloane didn't believe in the supernatural consequences of such an oath, the weight of it sent a shiver down her spine. Khloe was unrelenting in her cruelty.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmUnable to hold it in anymore, Sloane shot Khloe a glare, her eyes seething with resentment. Khloe, on the other hand, stayed calm, even finding the situation somewhat amusing. Did Sloane believe she was malicious? But this was nothing more than fate playing out. When Sloane and her mother had conspired to trap her and push her to the edge, did they ever imagine the day would cwhen the tables would turn? "What's the matter, having second thoughts?" Khloe taunted, her tone dripping with mockery. "Sloane, you're so fickle." Your favorite stories gVlThe crowd watched in eager anticipation, ready for the to reach its peak. Sloane saw a few reporters typing away furiously, no doubt capturing every moment of this scandalous event for their headlines. She had never anticipated being backed into such a corner, but the pressure of the moment left her with no option but to give in.
"Alright, I swear. If I go back on my word, may my career crumble, my honor be stripped away, my ndestroyed, and I live in shame, even in death." Sloane's words were sharp, but they quivered with the weight of her promise as she gritted her teeth. "Now, will you forgive me, Khloe?” Khloe's expression remained cold and unchanged, her tone laced with indifference. "Forgive? Do you really think that's possible? What you're going through today is nothing compared to what I've had to endure. Don't expectto simply forget the past. Now, leave!"
Sloane grabbed Lorraine and left, her heart burning with with malice, and m e unspoken resentment towards Khloe.
"Khloe, you really have snerve. Just wait, I'll make you regret this," Sloane seethed to herself, her mind consumed by a blaze of fury.
The mother and daughter finally left the scene, leaving behind a buzz of whispers. The crowd was divided between sympathy and gloating. The en sympat launch event had turned into a spectacle, with high-society unfolding right in front of their eyes, providing them with ample gossip-worthy material for their headlines.