The breakfast was served later the day after the full moon. Everyone heeded a sleep-in, and I didn't object. The conversation around the table when we did sit down to eat was focused on ine and my sh. Everyone wanted to know how it felt and telli had looked fierce. It was a little embarrassing, but I did my best to listen to them. When we were done, Finlay askedif I was ready for our talk. I didn't see the point of postponing it; I had decided the night before.
"Let's head for my office in my house. It will give us sprivacy," said, casting a meaningful look at the rest of the people around the table. They all looked like they had no idea what he was alking about. Finlay's house was next to the pack house. It was a good size two-story house with dark shingles and stone corners. 1 had a small porch looking out over the driveway of the pack house. He showedinside and 1 tried not to be too obvious about rying to look at everything. The inside was cosy, but it didn't have any of the mementos I was expecting. I was reminded of my mother making jokes about how my father's apartment had been. practically barren before he met her. I followed Finlay into an officet looked much more personal than the living room had. I guessed he spent more tin his office than the rest of the house, had bookshelves on two of the walls, a desk in front of windows showing his garden and the stream beyond it. There was able with six chairs around it and a whiteboard on the wall. In the corner, two armchairs stood, Finlay gestured to them and I took seat in one of them. It was amazingly comfortable, and I sank into it.
"So?" he said as he had sat down in the other.
"You want my decision?" I asked, teasing him. He smiled.
"I do."1 nodded and turned serious.
I will happily accept your offer," I told him. His smile turned up and grew brighter.
"I know you would. I'm happy that you did." "But I need to be of use to the pack. I'm used to working and I don't do well at not having things to do," I added. He nodded.
"Everyone contributes to the pack,” he told me. "If it's by having a job outside the pack or helping with joint chores, it's all appreciated." I nodded. “I think I have another task in mind for you, if you think you are up to it." "That piqued my curiosity," I said. He chuckled..
*I would like you to join the pack's leadership and work with us to improve the pac "But there are no openings," I pointed out. "You have your Beta and Camma." pack." I was stunned.
"I do, and I'm not about to replace them. But I have a feeling you have had a lot more training in taking on such roles than the rest of us. To tell you the truth, in our old pack, those that weren't groomed to take on a role in the top rank, weren't allowed to take part in any of those activities. We have been winging it so far with the help of relying on what feels right and my aunt's advice. I'm going to offer you the role as pack advisor. What do you think?" What did I think? It was true I had spent a lot of twith my father and my uncles while they did their work. And I had listened to my brother and James when they had talked about their training. My Uncle Jonas and my father had giventasks, as I enjoyed figuring out schedules and putting plans together.
1/2 Gof Destiny Chapter 14-2 "I can give it a try. We can see if my knowledge can help you and the pack," I told him. Ite nodded. "And I will need someone to driveback to town so I can give my notice and pack my things." He frowned but nodded, "We can head back today. I'll help you pack and if you don't have room in your car, suggested.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtwe can put the rest of your things in mine," he "I appreciate it. My holiday is over tomorrow and I can't just leave. Ce and Mrs Jones deserve more than that. I need to hand in my resignation and work until Mrs Jones finds a replacement," I told him. I could see he didn't like it. He thought about it for a while.
"Okay, I can understand you have obligations you can't just abandon You are loyal, it's a good quality. I'll get you back there today and then you will givea call when you have talked to your boss and we will arrange when you can cback home." "I can make the drive back here on my own. I don't own that much and my car is more than capable of holding it all," I said. He shook his head.
"You will calland I will send someone,” he insisted.
"Yes, Alpha," I said. Finlay looked atas I used his title as my Alpha for the first time. Then a grin appeared on his face and he nodded.
Good. That takes us to your bloodening. Do you want to wait for the next full moon?" he asked. The bloodening was the ceremony you went through to becpart of a pack you hadn't been born into.
"Could we do it sooner? My wolf feels restless without a pack, and I guessing it will get worse when I go back to town. I don't want to extend her suffering any more than necessary." I told him honestly.
"We can do it as soon as you cback. Do you think that will be enough? We can do it before you leave as well," he offered.
"I think it would be worse to make her part of the pack and then make her leave. But as soon as I'm back sounds good." "Letknow if it gets out of hand when you are away. Even before the ceremony, I am your Alpha, I want you to know that you can always rely on me." "Thank you, I will." "Good. Now, on to the next topic. Living arrangements. Are you looking to build a house? There is plenty of room in the village," he told me. I hadn't thought about that. And it wasn't a decision I wanted to make on a whim.
"I'm happy to take a room in the pack house for now," I said. He nodded.
"Do you like the room you're in?" he asked.
"It's an amazing room," I said.
"Then we decide it will be yours," he decided.
"Thank you, Alpha." "think that is all for now. If you don't have any questions?" No, no questions at the moment." 1/2 Chapter 142 "Good. Li may pop up, callor senda text. How about we head over to the pack house and tell everyone you are staying? Then we should get on the road," he told me.
It stands good. We walked back to the pack house. Martin, Sam, Medow and Matilda were walling for us in the entrance hall.
"So?" Medow asked.
"So what?" Finlay teased. The three younger wolves groaned, but Mililda smilled.
"I'm staying," I confessed. There was a loud cheering, and 1 found reyself in the middle of a group hug.
*1 knew you would. This will be so amazing." Medow told me.
Chapter Comments Stayz ddd I'm so pleased with this always with you my fab author VIEW 1 COMMENT 8 SHARE 2/2 Gof Destiny Chapter 14-3 "Did you ask her about the thing? Sam asked. Finlay laughed.
"I did, and she accepted the position as advisor," he told the group. Both Martin and Sam looked pleased. "What are we waiting for? We'll loot the freezer and have an lee cream party to celebrate," Sam suggested. I smiled at him.
"I need to head back to town for a while, 1 need to get my affairs in order and pack my things," I explained. "Til give her a ride there and cright back," Finlay explained.
"We are sending her out there all alone?" Martin asked.
"Hey, you make it sound like you are sendingintran enemy cam. It's a sleepy small town where I have lived for four years and where I have friends. It will be alright," I promised.
"But what about your wolf? She needs to run," Medow pointed out.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"I'm sure Amie will be back long before the need gets urgent," Matilda told everyone.
"Goddess, yes," I agreed.
"I'll make sure the pack knows," Martin offered.
"And if I know my mate and your aunt, they will plan skind of homecoming party already," Sam said, kissing Medow on her chock.
"I'm looking forward to it," I told them, and found that it was the truth. "I'll just run up to the room and grab the keys to my apartment," I told Finlay. He nodded Before I know, we were heading back to the town I had spent four years trying to build a life in. It was odd that I felt like the pack land was more hafter three days, than the town ever had.
"Are you going to be alright? Finlay askedas we got closer. We had spent most of the drive in a om comfortable silende. "I know we, myself included, get over enthusiastic when we think of you joining the pack. We forget you have a life outside the pack and you need to say goodbye to it."
"It's okay. I have made samazing friends. But it can't compare to being in a pack. Lhadn't realised it until thinking of going back. But it feels like these four years have been a standby period in my life. It has been okay, but I was waiting for something else."
"You were waiting for us," he said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Maybe it was As the town cinto view, it looked different. Smaller and lonelier. Finley drovealmost to the point his truck scraped the stairs to my apartment. "Thank you for the ride," I told him.
"You're not even going to invitein for coffee?" he joked. I laughed and punched his arm.
"You need to get back to the pack. I have taken up too much talready." "Fine. But you better keep in touch, Red, We'll be back to make sure you get hsafe,” he said. The new nicknsurprised me, but I didn't hate it.
Yes, Alpha. And it goes both ways. Letknow you get hsafe 1/2 Chapter 14-3 Scared I'll get hurt?" he asked.
"More like I have standards. I need to know If someone else is taking over the pack and if I can stand them as my Alpha." "Ouch, 1 feel a little hurt." "You'll survive. Drive safe, Finlay. And thank you for insisting that and visit," I said and opened my door.
"Best four dinners and breakfast I ever spent money on, Red," he tobefore driving away. Watching him leave madefeel strangely empty. Then I shrugged it off and headed into my apartment to list things I needed to do before I could leave.
Chapter Comments Sfayz ddd I'm so pleased wih this always with you my fab author VIEW 1 COMMENT POST COMMENT 8 < SHARE 2/2 Gof Destiny POST COMMENT mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofifl0&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1