Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven He hadn't cared. Not even when he found out I had almost been killed. He still didn't care.
He didn't loveanymore. He wasn't just saying it-he meant it, and I could see it in his eyes. The bottle of alcohol seemed to interest him more than I did. I should have realized it the moment I stepped into this room; he had been at ease-until he saw me. Then, everything changed.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtAll those days, I had been in pain, but part ofstill believed Alexander wasn't truly gone. I held onto the hope that we still had a future. But I was wrong-so very wrong I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. But instead, I laughed, the sound foreign to my ears. I sounded crazy. Maybe I was. And then, I was crying.
"I did it to help you! She gaveno choice-she compelled me, and I couldn't say a word to you. But everything I did was for you! I took the risk so you wouldn't have to suffer anymore. I couldn't bear watching you in pain. You act like I took something from you, but all I ever wanted was to help!” It happened so fast. His calm exterior vanished as he shot to his feet with unnatural speed, knocking over the glass table. It shattered, shards barely missing me. The moment yankedback to that night in the dining hall. He had looked just as furious then. I took a step back, but before I could move any farther, he slammedhard against the wall.
He didn't seem to notice how unnatural his strength was.
"You did! You took something from me, something you had no right to take!" I wanted to cower as his gaze burned through me, but there were two Alphas in the room.
"You are just like your parents. You keep talking about how you hated them for leaving you alone. You fucking hypocrite." He was shaking now; I had no doubt that anytfrom now he'd wrap his hand around my throat and choke the life out of me, but I didn't care. "They left you when you needed them the most, and you are doing the very sthing. You are abandoning your pack and your mate to go fuck swhores. I never took you for a coward, but perhaps I was wrong." "I am nothing like my parents, and who I fuck is not your goddamn business." "It is! You had no right to do that. You think words are enough to break what we have? I never stopped loving you; I was devoted to you, devoted to finding you, and all the while you were here!" "I don't need your devotion; I don't need anything from you. Can't you see you've done enough?" There was a long moment of silence before I broke it.
"If you claim you're nothing like your parents, then prove it. Cback. Do the one thing they never could." "I'm not easily manipulated, Kaida," he said, finally letting go. His calm demeanor was back, as if he weren't the sperson who had just been on the verge of violence. "I want you out of here. Don't cback." "Coward," I sneered at him, then turned and walked away from the man I once loved, the man I still love.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmI was alone. I was truly alone.
It seems Cynthia was indeed right about one thing. The content is on!
The trip back passed in a haze. I had no sense of how many hours had gone by, but eventually reached the pack, it was already late. Austin caught up withalmost instantly, of course he had been hoping I'd return with Alexander. 1/2 Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven
"He is not coming back," was all I said to him before disappearing into my room onde more. +25 BONUS 3/2