Chapter 162
Chapter 162
There had been a particular thrill that had cwith defying the rules and meeting the supposed love of my life
deep in the woods. | had been convinced that he was risking his life and lot just to seewhen | could have
thought about how he had better options but had decided to keepa secret by not leading Master know about
his interest infrom the beginning.
When he began searching for a very rare herb that was supposed in be found in that particular woods | should
have been suspicious, but there wasn’t much to suspect when he toldthat it was to for Simon's rare
| had only met Simon a few times but | genuinely loved the boy and so of course | helped as much as | could and
even stole various items from the house so we could test it with to be sure when we got the right herb.
It wasn’t until Jessy’s poisoning that | realized that | had been played all along. Roman needed someone within to
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇttake the fall for it all. I had told him multiple times that I didn’t want to hang around the woods at night anymore
because | kept getting caught by Freya and | was afraid she was going to tell Master.
His response had been to threaten her to silence. It
ade sense then but now it just sounded stupid.
Even with the discovery the moment | had been able to escape from the dungeon | still ran straight to him.
Where | had discovered a lot but still kept quiet for the sake of love.
How love could have causedso much pain, | still couldn't explain. Wasn't love supposed to be the most
amazing thing the world had to offer? Wasn't It supposed to bringeternal happiness and makefeel like |
was floating on a cloud for the rest of my days?
Sighing heavily, | turned on the bed until | was laying on my back, | made sure that my finger was still
intertwined with Simon’s and then sending a silent prayer to the Goddess that Freya be safe and all of this be
over soon, | let my eyes drop slowly until sleep took over.
The scent of lilacs and petunias wokeup, there was only one person | knew that had that scent.
| had always complained about how her scent always seemed to consme wherever we went together and
had even told the girl to stop using so much perfume. In secret, | knew she wasn't using any perfumes and |
actually really liked her scent but the girl was too hung up onforto actually tell her that
The day | had accidentally told her that she had pretty eyes, she had been all overthat day and was pretty
convinced that she was in love with me. So it meant no compliments for her if | wanted her off my back.
The moment | flipped open my eyes | was surprised to find that was in the woods. Well, it looked like | was in the
woods but | really wasn't, it felt more like a vision.
Everything was still and so silent that | could hear myself breath looked aroundand there was nothing to
indicate why | was actually here and there was a cold sensation that overcny frame.
Suddenly the place felt much darker and then | could soon hear the sound of running feet. Whoever it was they
seemed to be running urgently from something.
Then | got a closer look and that was when | saw Naomi, | tried call out to her but it didn’t seem like she could
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmhear me. She only kept running.
Then the darkness began to get brighter and brighter and soon the image of her running began to fade.
Chapter 162
“They're going to kill her soon, you have to help her please.”
Those were the only words | got from her before a scream was piercing through my consciousness and bringing
This was about Freya, Naomi had been trying to warnabout Freya. | moved quickly from the bed, | needed to
let Master