Chapter 149
The adrenaline from the last two hours was finally wearing off as | watched my men tear down the last of the
attacking clan. My entire body screamed with pain but | couldn't be happier at the victory.
A surprise attack wasn’t something that any pack ever wanted and usually it gave the attackers the upper hand
but thanks to my reliable officials they were mostly able to take control of it even before word got to me.
There was of course a few fatal casualties on my side but | was grateful to the Goddess that it wasn't a lot.
| transformed back into my human form and my muscles screarned from the strain. Thankfully staying in my wolf
form had helpedmostly heal from the worst of my injuries but it didn’t mean that my body couldn't feel the
effects anymore.
“Round up sof the men and check every corner within and outside the pack to be sure they are no more
hanging around.” | instructed Smith, while putting on the clothes that had been passed to me.
| couldn’t wait to get hand be with my family. | knew how worried Freya was aboutleaving the house. |
couldn't believe that the green eyed woman had believed she would losein a battle.
| didn’t mean to brag but | wasn’t Alpha King for nothing. If | didn’t have the strength, endurance and power to
protect my people then the crown wouldn't fit.
Despite the pain that seared through my body. | made a light jog towards my home. | couldn't wait to see my
The moment | stepped into the house, cheers erupted everywhere from the women, children and old that were
currently camping in my living area. | politely smiled at them and engaged the smaller pups that rushed towards
These sounds of victory always madepush through, knowing that | had these people counting onto
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtmake sure that all was well.
| patted the little children’s head and waved to the other ones aroundbut that was when | caught sight of the
two children walking towardswith tears streaming down their faces.
Jess? What was she doing downstairs? | had strict instructions for them to remain in the room. And where was
Christie accompanied Jessy and Simon and when they got tothe sadness in all their eyes gave away the bad
news even before they could open their mouths.
“Daddy, mommy gone.” Jessy said.
Gone? What? What did she mean by gone?
| moved away from the crowd of people that were gathered aroundand made a beeline for the grand stairs.
The guard was no where around Jessy’s door and when | pushed it open, it was to find the place empty.
There was no sign of struggle though and the only slightly rule thing in the space was the bed where | knew
Jessy had been sleeping even before | left
Freya wasn’t anywhere around here.
The rage that overcaine my frsentinto overdelve, and tomped out of the room, Christle was the first
person found and | grabbed onto her throat, the rage and anxiety that cursed through iny veins took over the
remaining of my Scational thinking
10:33 Thu, Jan 30 GG.
Chapter 149
“Where's Freya?” | asked.
00 83%
The girl opened her mouth to talk but due to the fact that | was blocking her windpipe with my hands, it stopped
her from speaking.
“Greyson, stop please. You're going to kill her. Let go of her please.” | could hear Smith's voice but it sounded
very far away.
A searing pain racked through my head in the next minute and darkness took over immediately.
It felt like hours later when | regained consciousness again. | was met with Smith and Shane another one of my
officials in my room. My memory felt fuzzy but it wasn’t for a long time, everything soon cback flooding to
“Greyson you have to calm down please.” Smith said
“Calm down? Freya is fucking missing and what do you do? Putto sleep for however long letting whoever is
behind this
even further.” | yelled out an Smith took a step back.
It was difficult to seeso out of control so it was very understandable that my Beta would try to get away from
“You were getting out of control and | had to do something before you caused harm. We have an idea of who has
taking Freya, seems like we tortured the wrong maid before but | think we need to strategize before even leaving
this mansion in search for her and you have to be calm to do that. Or at least rational.” Smith said and he made
a lot of sense.
“Let's move to my office. Where's Jessy?”
“With the maid, don’t worry she’s safe.” Smith reassured.
| wasn’t going to take his word for it. Christie was a good maid but lately | was having a lot of issues with my
choice of maidens and | just lost Freya again because of one of them, | wasn’t going to trust another with looking
after my daughter.
| walked out of the room and in the direction of the maid quarters.
“Daddy!” Jessy called out tothe moment she saw me, running in my direction, | picked her up and placed a
kiss on her head.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmSimon followed after her and that was when | saw the black eye that the boy was sporting. | placed Jessy back on
the floor and beckoned the boy to me. | squatted until | was at eye level with the boy and the sadness that |
could see from his good eye broke my heart even more.
“What happened to your eye Simon?” | whispered gently to him but the little boy only shook his head, bowing his
head to avoid looking in my eyes.
“His daddy hit him.” Jessy whispered to me.
“Jessy | told you no Simon said with tears streaming down hises.
| couldn’t believe my ears. Roman was hitting his child? For what reason? How did | miss this part of my Gammal
Roman had always presented himself as the best father and watching hinteract with his son from the outside one
would think they shared the best relationship. What would cause him to hit son so badly?
Cwith me: Fade
10.33 Thu Jan 30 - EE
Chapter 149
And we all headed towards my office.
“What happened Simon?” | asked the moment we settled in.
“My daddy is very very upset with Freya.” Simon began.
10 33 Thu, Jan 30 - EB.
Chapter 150