Chapter 134
Chapter 134
“I thought I told you not to go into his office Jessy.” | said, but my four year old only ignoredhiding her face
into Greyson’s neck, causing the later to chuckle.
“Please leave her alone Freya.” Greyson said and | rolled my eyes at the two.
“Are you hungry babe?” | asked, stroking her cheeks fondly.
“Yes mommy.
“She ate all my snacks during the meeting. | don’t know how she could still want more food.” Greyson said
playfully, placing Jessy in her chair before moving to the head of the table.
| sat to his right, like had beca habit for us and we settled down to cat like a family. It felt like | wouldn't ever
get used to this because every single tit happened felt surreal. | couldn’t believe that the Goddess had given
“Are you alright sweetheart? You look tired.” Greyson said and my stomach bubbled with butterflies at the
endearment, just the way it did every time.
“I am. I've not been sleeping great.”
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt
“Do you wantto call Clara to check up on you? She might be able to help.” Greyson offered.
And on one hand | wanted to take the offer immediately because | really was struggling to sleep. Sometimes |
managed to fall asleep but it was never for very long as | always managed to wake up earlier than normal and at
other times | just stayed awake till very late before | was drifting off and waking up every thirty minutes until |
got frustrated and got out of bed. So maybe the healers help would be welcat this point.
Plus | also wanted to speak to the older woman, but not tonight. Honestly, all | wanted was to be with Greyson
for the night. | had just really missed the man during the day and now | was craving him more than ever.
“No, no. I'll be alright.” | assured giving him a small smile which he returned.
Once we were done with dinner, | began pilling up the dirty dishes.
“I think you should leave that. Someone else could take care of it Go prepare for bed and I'll join you soon after |
tuck Jessy in.” Greyson said and | nodded my head.
| watched father and daughter exit the room and the smile that painted my lips could split my face in half. It was
so blissful to watch them together and they both made my heart feel like it was bursting out of its cage.
Christie cinto the dining room before | could leave.
“Thought | heard you all leaving My friend said.
“That was Greyson and Jessy.”
“You look like something is bothering you Freya. Please talk to use.”
I sighed heavily, rubbing my eyes gently before turning completely towards the maid.
Have you
noticed anything lately with Zoe? Did anything happen when | left or go wrong?” | finally asked and Clinste
10:15 Wed, Jan 29 B
Chapter 134
furrowed her brows in confusion.
“No, I don’t think I've noticed anything. Zoe has always been weird and keeps to herself most times so it might
be hard to tell. What's the problem though?”
“I'm not sure, it's just that last night when | cdown for a glass of water. She began apologizing for
something she supposedly did toand she was crying seriously.”
“Jess-" Christie began saying but | shook my head, interrupting ber before she could continue.
“It's not Jessy. She said so. Something else that was weird, is that she had a glass of water to her lips when |
cin and when | spoke and startled her, she let go of the glass breaking it in the process. | promised to clean
it up and after she left, | set out to do exactly that but what I noticed was that there was no single spill of water
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmon the floor.”
Christie’s brows furrowed even deeper.
“If there was no water in the glass why was she holding it to her lips?” Christie asked and | shrugged.
“That's what | don’t know too. Plus her apology just makesuncomfortable for sreason.”
“| could talk to her if you want. | know she has been keeping to herself lately and I’m not sure if she’s alright.”
head. offered and | nodded my
“Thank you Christie.”
| made my way towards the masters bedroom and when | got to Jessy’s door and heard her singing the alphabet
song, it madesmile. | didn’t stop to check on her, since I didn’t want to distract her and so | continued
towards the room.
After a warm shower, | settled on the chair in front of mirror that was attached to the dresser and dried my wet
hair while letting my thoughts roam.
My mind was barely at rest here in the mansion, | was usually always worrying about one thing or the other.
Thinking about Emilia and now Zoe, sometimes | felt like | was on the edge of going crazy.
The door was pushed open and Greyson walked into the room. raised my head and my eyes immediately
connected with the Alpha’s and the look within his grey orbs caused a shiver to run down my spine.
That look could only mean one thing.