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Alpha Alec's Redemption by Kathy M

Chapter 202
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"Do you think?" she doesn't have to finish the sentence. I know what she's hinting at.

Could it be that the veiled woman Calvin mentioned, and this masked one, are one and the sperson? We had gone through the probability of the veiled woman being the one that was making the hybrid, but we never really followed through because there wasn't any direct link.

Now there was. It can't be a coincidence that both of these women hide their faces. They must be the same. "What are you thinking?" Alec's voice catchesoff guard.

I shake myself from the shivers of being so close to him.

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"Just that it can't be a coincidence that the woman creating these hybrids, and the one that paid Calvin to drug us, both hide their faces." "I was thinking the sthing," he nods. "There is a high probability that it's the sperson." I turn back to Brian. He was watching us. Studying us.

"You mentioned that she dealt with them. Who are you talking about?" He's quick to reply. "I'd just finished my transition. There was a commotion. A bunch of guys were rambling on about how she didn't deliver what she had promised. They thought that she was weak and that she shouldn't be leading them. One of the guys challenged her, and she dealt with him and the others right in front of us." To be honest, I was confused. We are werewolves. It's not a surprise when a dominant wolf teaches anyone who opposes them. The sthing happens with vampires and witches.

"I don't see anything wrong with that. I would have done the same." "It's in the way she dealt with them. She didn't just punish them; she slaughtered them. You could also tell that she enjoyed it." He glares at me. "In fact, you kind of remindof her. You enjoyed torturingjust now." I shrug, but his words madeuncomfortable. Yes, I am ruthless, but only to people that deserve it. I wouldn't just kill my pack members for opposing. Hell, I wouldn't kill anyone just because they questioned my ability to lead.

Shaking my head, I push that uncomfortable feeling.

"You said, they went against her because she didn't deliver what she promised," I began. "So what exactly were you promised? And how did you even cacross them?" "She promised us freedom from the shackles society placed on us for our sins. I killed my chosen bride in a fit of rage after I found out she was cheating onand was carrying another man's child. I was excommunicated by my clan even after pleading with them. I never meant to kill her." So, he was a vampire; that answers the question I was going to ask next.

I can hear the remorse and regret in his voice. He really was sorry for killing his bride.

Damn it, now feel guilty for torturing him, If he had begun with that, I would have spared him. In my defense, though, I've never cacross any nice hybrid. They are usually ruthless and rotten tothe core.

☐ "You do realize there's a pack that accepts banished species?" Raven asks him in a flat tone.

"I've heard of it, but most think of it as a myth, I mean, con, a pack that accepts all species? It doesn't exist," he scoffs, and I'm pretty sure if it weren't for his injuries, he would probably have laughed.

"Well, it isn't a myth," I stated in a deadpan voice. "You are looking at its Alpha." It takes a while for him to understand my words, but when he does, his eyes widen as they convey shock. "You're its Alpha? So it does exist?" "That's what I just said. Can you try to keep up?" I snapped. "Is there anything else you know that might be of help?" He's quiet for a moment, and then he shakes his head, as if clearing it.

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"Her eyes turn pitch black and she has wings." I stand rooted in my spot, as everything infreezes.

"What do you mean, wings?" Jason asks,

A frown appears on his face before "Is there he answers sarcThey any other meaning of are huge. So huge, that they touch the floor."

Closing my eyes, I picture my wings, m just like Nyx taughtSeconds later, I feel their weight behind. His surprised gasp fills the room, makingopen my eyes.

I stare at him and, with my voice trembling, I ask, "You mean wings like these?" His mouth hangs open as he nods. "Yes," he whispers, his eyes still wide with shock. "They are exactly the.

he same. The only difference is that are black."

Fucking hell. That's the only thought that was on my mind as I registered his words.